Entertaining Desserts: Eton Mess


The Oxford English dictionary defines “mess” as – “[a] serving of food; a course; a meal; a prepared dish of a specified kind of food.” or “[a] portion or serving of liquid or pulpy food such as milk, broth, porridge, boiled vegetables, etc.

The Eton Mess‘ particular history dates back to the 1900s where it would be traditionally served at Eton College during the annual Eton vs. Harrow School cricket game – possibly one of the oldest sporting events in the world given that the first match was in 1805.

The “mess” usually involves a mixture of strawberries, bananas, ice cream or regular cream, and pieces of meringue.    A dash of port can also add a bit more flavor.

I’ve found that Nigella Lawson’s recipe has been quite popular amongst friends and guests.  It also is a rather easy treat to conjure within 10 minutes time.   I’ve reproduced it below for those who would like to give it a trial – (Copyright 2007, Nigella Express, Hyperion, All Rights Reserved)


  • 4 Cups of strawberries
  • 2 teaspoons of Caster sugar
  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice
  • 1 packet of individual meringue nests


  1. Hull/Chop the strawberries and mix it in a bowl with the sugar and pomegranate juice.  Allow it to macerate (soak).
  2. Whip cream until soft, then crumble 4 of the meringue nests into the cream, allowing it to settle in chunks.
  3. Take a half cup of the strawberries and fold it into the cream.
  4. Arrange in cups or as a mound for a dessert center piece.

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